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  /  Media Coverage   /  TRY ME ! ARNICA & SWEET BIRCH SALVE

Arnica and Sweet birch salve-

Its a good time to try our Arnica & Sweet Birch Salve.

It alleiviates body aches pains sprains, strains, and torn ligament and muscles.
Apply before and after exercise & excertion.

Arnica is used topically for a wide range of conditions, including bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint pain, inflammation from insect bites, and swelling from broken bones. More recent studies suggest it may also be helpful in the treatment of burns.

Sweet Birch:soothing minor pain and topical inflammation. Traditionally, applied topically, Birch Sweet Oil was used as an astringent and was recognized for centuries as among the most effective of toners and tighteners of skin.This is applied topically to relieve pain in joints and muscles. To promote sleep and calm your nerves, sweet birch’s aroma is cooling and soothing. 

Calendula , & Plantain oil. Jojoba oil & NS. Beeswax.

Essential oil: Sweet birch(betula lenta), rosemary(rosmarinus officinalis), ginger root (zingiber officinalis) &, arnica absolute.

Massage deeply into sore muscles joint and ligaments. Works well after several applications.

Do not apply to open wounds.!