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Daisy Facial Serum


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Daisy Flower tops are handpicked along the shorelines of the eastern shore in Nova Scoita. Dried and slowly infused in the following oils listed below.

Daisy flower is a natural nontoxic alternative for skin brightening and treats the hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

The daisy flower heals the wounds and repair your damaged skin tissues. It has medicinal antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that wards off bacteria and irritants from the surface of your skin.

Pineapple seed oil: Exfoliates and removes dead skin cells.  Brightens the skin and reduces the appearance of dark spots.  Hydrates the skin and improves the texture.

Hibiscus seed oil :Helps maintain the radiance of your skin by providing deep moisturization.  It is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E and high in essential fatty acids therefore act as an anti-aging by itself.  It helps support the skin elasticity and minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.  Hibiscus extract unclogs the blocked pores and removes dead skin cells and debris from the skin making it visibly soft, smooth and radiant.

Meadowfoam seed oil : Meadowfoam seed oilis known to work ina similar way to the sebum the skin produces naturally, which makes it particularly effective at sealing in moisture. It also helps to balance the skin’s natural oil production, contributing to a more even complexion.When applied to the skin, meadowfoam seed oil acts as an emollient, sealing in moisture and keeping the skin soft and supple.Balances sebum production.Ingredients like meadowfoam seed oil help to balance our skin’s natural sebum production, keeping it from being too dry or too oily.

Papaya seed oil: Rich in enzymes that naturally buff and exfoliate the dead skin cells. Brightens and Lightens Complexion.Natural Exfoliant to Purify Skin.Discourages Acne and Breakouts.Reduces Blemishes and Scarring.Helps Lessen Inflammation. Evens Out Skin Tone For A Healthy All-Over Glow.Delays Wrinkles

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 14 × 8 × 8 cm


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